Here a simple POJO service will be created. For simplicity the service will have only two operations.
1. Save an order which consists of an index(String) and a price(Double)
The order will be saved to an xml file.
2. Retrieve the price given the index.
First create a Java Project.
Now inside package I create the Order POJO.
Inside the package orderprocessing.service I create OrderProcessingService Class.
In order to save orders to an XML file I create
To retrieve orders from the XML file I create
Create an XML file orders.xml somewhere and change the "savePath", and "retrievePath" attributes inside the above two classes according to that.
Now create a folder META-INF at the src folder level and create services.xml inside META-INF.
Here, If you do not specify the message receiver, then the default message receiver which is RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver will perform the operation[1]
And since the service implementation class is in Java, all the public methods in that service will be exposed. No need to specifically include them in services.xml[1]
This is the folder structure of my service.
Now export the project as a jar. In eclipse this can be done by, right click on the project->export
Save it to somewhere and change it's extension to .aar (eg: if your jar is OrderProcessingService.jar rename it as OrderProcessingService.aar ) and save it to axis2-1.6.2/repository/services
(I am using axis2-1.6.2)
Start the axis2server. (In linux run inside axis2-1.6.2/bin)
Now if you go to http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/ it should be shown as below.
And you can access the wsdl at, http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/OrderProcessingService?wsdl
2. The client
Create another Java project.
Now in order to use the service we need to create the stub.
Go to axis2-1.6.2/bin in the terminal and run,
Now create another package orderprocessing.client inside your client project and create
This is my folder structure of the client