When doing our digital electronics project I wanted to measure time using the PIC(16F877A)
Here it is explained in simple words
instruction clock cycle = clock cycle/4
The timer input clock(instruction clock) is passed to the prescalar and that is divided by preferred value and fed into timer register.
Say an interrupt occurs when value of timer(counter) becomes 256. Assume clock frequency is 20Mz.
As the timer input clock is instruction clock, we can say an interrupt occurs at the completion of every 256 input clock cycles.
As value fed to timer = instruction clock/prescalar value(say 8), we can say an interrupt occurs at the completion of every 256*8 instruction clock cycles.
As instruction clock = clock/4, an interrupt occurs at the completion of every 256*8*4 clock cycles.
So, the number of interrupts per second = 20Mz / (256*8*4)
INTERRUPTS_PER_SECOND = clock_frequency/(4 * prescalar_value * counter's(timer's) turnover value)
Hdpe geomembrane sheet are essential components in various engineering and construction applications, primarily used for lining and containment. Known for their durability and resistance to chemical damage, these sheets provide an effective barrier against liquids and gases. Understanding the price of geomembrane sheets is crucial for budgeting projects, as costs can vary based on thickness, size, and specific requirements. Additionally, the interplay between geotextiles and geomembranes enhances overall performance in soil stabilization, erosion control, and environmental protection. This guide will explore the significance, pricing factors, and the synergy between these vital materials in modern infrastructure projects.